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BANSEA Former and Current Chairmen at HASAN Singapore Launch Event

Updated: Mar 27, 2024

BANSEA's Former Chairman, Mr. James Tan, in his capacity as Managing Partner of Quest Ventures and Current Chairman, Mr. Lance Quek, in his capacity as Managing Partner of Blackforest Global Management, were speaking at HASAN Singapore Launch Event 2023. They were joined by Ms. Hamidah Aidillah, Founder & CEO of Parrot Social, Mr. Azhar Osmad, Executive Chairman of Enercon Asia and Mr. Umar Munshi, Co-Founder & CEO of Ethis Global.

In this panel, the panelists shared their thoughts on the growth and outlook of the Singapore and Southeast Asian startup ecosystem as well as how investors look into startups during the due diligence phase.

Here are some photos of the event:

BANSEA would be having an MOU signing ceremony and joint demo day together with HASAN. Looking forward to seeing our communities coming together to join us.

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